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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lay A Whisper On My Pillow

via spanish moss, lovemore, wildfox

LOVE that I saw the pic of the yellow smiley backpack that I had in fifth grade, the best right??!  Anway, heading to sleep soon, my mom and step dad are coming for a visit tomorrow, yipee!

 Sweet Dreams Zzzzz  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In My Dream Last Night

via making magique, le love, angelica Blick, tumblr

I am currently dreaming about champagne colored heels, peach bellini's, lilac hair, and Summer time.  


Friday, April 13, 2012


via bicyclette, spanish moss, nasty gal, tumblr, fancyy that

Happy Friday the 13th!  Here's a sweet mix of random awesomeness.  I think it's high time for me to own a pair of brightly colored heels...similar to the ones pictured above.  I'm definitely better suited to wear colorful shoes and stick to black trousers, hehe.  Anywho, I hope everyone has a stunning weekend (in the rain, perhaps)??  


Monday, April 9, 2012

hello pretty things

Just got lost in this utterly pretty tumblr world...


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